Does Promax update the database in real-time?
As users make modifications to data, for example saves a change to a promotion, the database is automatically updated.
View ArticleDoes Promax provide flexible alpha numeric search facilities?
Where appropriate the Promax PX solution provides alpha numeric search functionality
View ArticleDoes Promax provide drill down interrogation and enquiry?
Promax PX provides drill down functionality to interrogate data. For instance, the user can click on an individual promotion to find and modify specific details relevant to that promotion.
View ArticleWho owns the rights to the software?
The Promax PX solution is developed and maintained by the Promax Application Group. The solution is provided to its clients through a non transferable perpetual license
View ArticleWhat is the Promax Database?
The Promax PX solution is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server DB – versions 2005 and 2008
View ArticleWhat is the wide area network architecture?
The Promax PX solution uses a client server architecture. If users are to be located across a WAN the recommended network architecture typically requires two serves – a database server and a Citrix /...
View ArticleHow does Promax handle Customer / Product re-alignment?
The system must realign historical data when customer or products attributes change. This is to allow the users to compare values in a consistent manner and reflect current environmental settings. The...
View ArticleHow does Promax handle Parent/Child Attributes? (Substitution)
Does the Promax system have the ability for a product to be forecasted using the same algorithm from a related product. This could be used when a specific product or group of products have no...
View ArticleAchieving Best Practice with Promax software
Promax Trade Promotion Management Software Tired of using Excel spreadsheets to attempt to manage your valuable Trade Promotion funds and under pressure from Senior Management to not only provide a...
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